Saturday, June 11, 2011

Should you use Multimedia for language?

Experts agree that the best method for language study is what makes the recompenses of the knowledge accumulated. This principle is also called "immersion". The idea is to fully immerse in the new language. This is a different method to learn, easy to implement a majority of users. Multimedia Tools simplifies learning because of their modernity and attractiveness. In 1993, remains an important year in the case of a soft training resources, as an opportunity to learn foreign languages with the help of audio and voice on CD-ROM were introduced. This way, these instruments have become attractive and effective.

What are the benefits of multimedia language learning?

The technique used by developers for language learning emulate method to learn languages. Recognize words is a relatively new concept introduced in this learning system, enhanced with the ability to listen, reply and reward the right answers with an accepted Declaration.

These types of technologies are pointed out in particular by their quality and interactivity. These courses have a positive impact on the pupils which increases motivation with effect on the improvement of the learning process. Students opens language study with new sources, new technical enhancements to multimedia products that combine audio, pictures and voice constitutes a real challenge for the students.

Products that simplify the memorizing. It is common knowledge that a student can learn faster if he directly is implicit in the instruction-inlärningsprocessen. Use multimedia products, he can get information easily and efficiently.

Multimedia products offer to students and teachers the opportunity to choose what they want to learn, have complete control over rhythm, learning, to gain a greater control over the learning process.

Multimedia products for language study is not intended to replace the books or other instruments. interactive mode is used to present the new information, however, is pleasant for the pupils and teachers at the same time.

Study material multimedia language is well developed and more attractive than any other product of this kind, and it is a fact demonstrated by the use of such material in a large number of students.

A package of this kind must contain a conversation guide, a mixed product, a book and a Multimedia CD. You can consider paper and audio cassettes are over!

Each conversation guide must contain 3000-3500 sequences grouped into 90-96 themes. This means an average of 10-14 themes based on the same subject, from simple calls to complex technical terms. All sound files, the corresponding texts, so you will be able to listen, write, and repeat the conditions until you master them completely. In addition, you should also be able to search text, and audio files using the internal search engine. Dictionary files must also be using the same technology. You should also request guarantees a product of this kind, you must be able to get your money back if the wizard does not suit your needs.


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